Fictional Names

+100 Ridiculously Funny Knight Names to Brighten Your Day

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Sir Cumstantial
A knight who’s always cautious and careful, only acting when the situation is just right.
Named after the infamous Vlad, known for his bloodlust.
Sir Cuitous the Roundabout
A play on "circuitous," for a knight who takes the long way around.
Dame Ticklebritches
Always in a playful mood, especially when armor gets tight.
Sir Lionel of the Round Table
A close companion of Lancelot, known for his loyalty and courage.

Let’s face it, knights had a tough job. Fighting dragons, rescuing princesses, and all that. But even the bravest warriors need a little humor to get them through the day. That’s where their names come in! Join us on a quest to discover some of the most hilariously named knights in history.

Female Funny Knight Names

  1. Lady Clanks-a-Lot – Known for her noisy armor, she’s impossible to miss on the battlefield.
  2. Dame Wigglebottom – Her horse has a rather bouncy trot, making her jiggle all the way to glory.
  3. Lady Gallopa-Lot – Never one to walk when she can run, her speed is unmatched.
  4. Dame Gigglesworth – A knight who laughs in the face of danger—or just laughs all the time.
  5. Lady Hiccupotamus – Her constant hiccups might be a curse, but they’re a charming one.
  6. Dame Flutterby – She’s light on her feet and always seems to flit around the battlefield.
  7. Lady Clumsyboots – Grace isn’t her strong suit, but she always lands on her feet.
  8. Dame Sassyfrass – Quick with a witty comeback, even in the heat of battle.
  9. Lady Snickerdoodle – Her sweet demeanor hides her deadly swordsmanship.
  10. Dame Bumblefluff – A bit forgetful and always losing her helmet, but still a fierce warrior.
  11. Lady Puddleton – Her love for tea and biscuits is well-known; she often brings them to the battlefield.
  12. Dame Twinkletoes – Her enemies never hear her coming, but they always see her dance away.
  13. Lady Quackenspear – Her loud, quacking laugh is as intimidating as her sword.
  14. Dame Fidgetspinner – Never able to stay still, her restless energy is both a curse and a blessing.
  15. Lady Tumblesword – Known for her unconventional and acrobatic fighting style.
  16. Dame Butterfingers – Always dropping her sword but never missing her mark.
  17. Lady Bouncingblade – Her swordplay is as unpredictable as her bouncy personality.
  18. Dame Fluffernutter – Her fluffy, voluminous armor hides a tough and capable knight.
  19. Lady Scribbleshield – Her shield is covered in doodles, but it’s as strong as any other.
  20. Dame Wobbleknees – Her knees may shake, but her resolve never wavers.
  21. Lady Guffawlot – Her loud guffaws often distract enemies mid-battle.
  22. Dame Butteredtoast – No one knows why she’s obsessed with toast, but she always brings it to jousts.
  23. Lady Bumpercar – Her jousting style resembles a bumper car more than a graceful knight.
  24. Dame Ticklesword – She uses her sword like a feather, tickling enemies into submission.
  25. Lady Wobblehelm – Her helmet never quite stays on straight, but she never lets it slow her down.
  26. Dame Chatterblade – She talks incessantly, distracting her foes with her constant chatter.
  27. Lady Fizzlebop – Her energy is like a firecracker—unpredictable and explosive.
  28. Dame Pansywhack – Don’t be fooled by the name; she packs a powerful punch.
  29. Lady Tiddlywink – She’s small and unassuming, but deadly in battle.
  30. Dame Snickerbell – Her mischievous grin never leaves her face, even in combat.
  31. Lady Bouncingbunny – As quick and agile as a rabbit, she’s impossible to catch.
  32. Dame Stumblesnare – Always tripping, but never letting it get the best of her.
  33. Lady Twiddledee – Her fingers are always fidgeting, even when holding a sword.
  34. Dame Fluffynoodle – Her long, flowing locks are her pride, often getting in the way during fights.
  35. Lady Hootenanny – Loves a good party, even in the middle of a siege.
  36. Dame Blunderbuss – Her charge is more like a cannonball, fast and furious.
  37. Lady Glittersword – Her sword sparkles as much as her personality.
  38. Dame Ziggityzag – Her unpredictable fighting style leaves enemies baffled.
  39. Lady Puddlejumper – Always leaping over obstacles, both literal and figurative.
  40. Dame Splattersneeze – Her mighty sneezes have been known to knock opponents off their feet.
  41. Lady Sprockethop – Known for her love of gadgets, her armor is full of them.
  42. Dame Bumblingbee – She’s always buzzing around, hard to catch and even harder to fight.
  43. Lady Jumblewump – Her strategies are as jumbled as her speech, but they work.
  44. Dame Twizzlefoot – Her twirling moves on the battlefield are a sight to behold.
  45. Lady Sizzlequill – Her sharp wit is as dangerous as her blade.
  46. Dame Wobblewagon – Her horse has a strange gait, making her wobble with every step.
  47. Lady Noodleneck – Her flexible neck allows her to dodge attacks in the most unexpected ways.
  48. Dame Flibberflabber – She’s always flapping her arms, whether in excitement or combat.
  49. Lady Pizzapaddle – Carries a paddle that she swears doubles as a weapon—and a cooking tool.
  50. Dame Quirkyquill – Her eccentricity is as famous as her skill with a quill and sword.

Male Funny Knight Names

  1. Sir Loin of Beef – As beefy as his name suggests, known for his love of food and fighting.
  2. Lord Bumblesnuff – His bumbling ways often lead to accidental victories.
  3. Sir Clangington – Makes more noise than a blacksmith’s forge when in full armor.
  4. Lord Wigglewig – His wiggly fighting style confuses even the most experienced knights.
  5. Sir Grumblebelly – Always grumbling about something, whether it’s the weather or his opponents.
  6. Lord Clodhopp – He’s got two left feet but somehow manages to stay upright in a fight.
  7. Sir Chucklechamp – Known for his infectious laugh that spreads even in the midst of battle.
  8. Lord Fumblefist – He’s all thumbs when it comes to swordplay, but somehow always lands a hit.
  9. Sir Fluffysocks – Prefers comfort over style, even in his battle gear.
  10. Lord Snoremore – Famous for falling asleep in the most unlikely places, even during a siege.
  11. Sir Blusterbottom – All bluster and bravado, but with a heart of gold.
  12. Lord Guffawlot – His loud guffaws can be heard echoing through the castle walls.
  13. Sir Clodpoll – His head might be a bit thick, but his courage is unmatched.
  14. Lord Tumblefoot – Always tripping over something, yet always manages to recover with style.
  15. Sir Wobbleblade – His sword wobbles as much as his resolve, but he always comes through.
  16. Lord Jibberjabber – Can talk his way out of—or into—any situation.
  17. Sir Fluffernoggin – His helmet is often stuffed with extra padding, making his head appear larger than it is.
  18. Lord Wigglytoes – Has a habit of tapping his toes even in the middle of a battle.
  19. Sir Rumbleshack – His armor makes a racket, but he’s as sturdy as they come.
  20. Lord Bumblesneeze – His sneezes are as powerful as his sword strikes.
  21. Sir Clankalot – His armor clanks with every movement, making stealth impossible.
  22. Lord Snickerdoodle – Loves to bake cookies for his comrades, especially before battle.
  23. Sir Twiddlesticks – His constant fiddling with his sword hilt is both endearing and annoying.
  24. Lord Flapjacks – Famous for his love of breakfast foods, especially pancakes.
  25. Sir Wobbleknight – His wobbly stance might seem unsteady, but it’s surprisingly effective in a fight.
  26. Lord Chucklehead – His goofy grin never leaves his face, even in the heat of battle.
  27. Sir Flapdoodle – Always coming up with nonsensical strategies that somehow work.
  28. Lord Pifflepuff – His soft voice belies his strong sword arm.
  29. Sir Gigglesnort – Known for his strange habit of giggling and snorting at the same time.
  30. Lord Fizzlestump – His short stature is no hindrance to his prowess in battle.
  31. Sir Wobblecheeks – His rosy, wobbly cheeks are as famous as his courage.
  32. Lord Bumblesquawk – Often yells in excitement during battle, confusing friend and foe alike.
  33. Sir Noodlearm – His arms might look weak, but he’s surprisingly strong.
  34. Lord Quibblequack – Loves to argue over every little detail, even during a fight.
  35. Sir Jinglejangle – His armor is adorned with bells, making him impossible to miss.
  36. Lord Fizzwhistle – Always whistling a tune, even in the most intense moments.
  37. Sir Wobblewhomp – His heavy steps can be heard from miles away.
  38. Lord Chucklewump – His laugh is infectious, spreading joy even in the darkest times.
  39. Sir Doodleblade – Constantly drawing doodles on his shield, even in the midst of battle.
  40. Lord Sizzlechin – His beard is always perfectly groomed, even after a fight.
  41. Sir Ruffleplume – His helmet is adorned with an extravagant plume, making him stand out in any crowd.
  42. Lord Puddleskip – Known for jumping over puddles with great enthusiasm.
  43. Sir Fumblethumbs – His clumsy fingers often drop his sword, but he never fails to pick it up again.
  44. Lord Snigglebritches – His tight-fitting armor often leads to awkward situations.
  45. Sir Bumbleboots – His oversized boots make a lot of noise, but he swears they’re the secret to his success.
  46. Lord Quackleton – Has a strange affinity for ducks, which he often brings to the battlefield.
  47. Sir Twizzlebeard – His beard is twisted into intricate shapes, distracting his opponents.
  48. Lord Bumblesquish – Known for accidentally squishing his own equipment, but never his spirit.
  49. Sir Chucklenudge – Always nudging his fellow knights, especially when something amusing happens.
  50. Lord Wobbleplume – His helmet plume wobbles with every step, adding to his comical appearance.

Funny Death Knight Names

  1. Sir Chucklebone – Loves to crack jokes as much as he cracks skulls.
  2. Lord Rattleskull – His head rattles whenever he laughs, which is often.
  3. Sir Gigglesmash – Smashes enemies with a hearty laugh and a heavy mace.
  4. Duke Bonejangles – Known for his jaunty walk and jangled bones.
  5. Baron Von Gigglegrave – Fills graves with a grin and a giggle.
  6. Sir Laff-a-Lot – Laughs in the face of death—literally.
  7. Lord Chucklesdoom – Brings doom with a chuckle and a smile.
  8. Sir Snickerstrike – His strikes are as quick as his snickers.
  9. Dreadlord Ticklegrim – Can’t resist tickling his foes before finishing them off.
  10. Sir Bonecrackles – His bones crackle loudly whenever he moves, adding to his eerie charm.
  11. Count Snickerbitter – Snickers menacingly as he bitterly harvests souls.
  12. Sir Grins-a-Grim – Always grinning, even in the most grim of battles.
  13. Lord Jesterdoom – Combines the art of jest with the art of death.
  14. Sir Laughsalot the Grim – A death knight with an uncontrollable laugh.
  15. Baron HaHaHarbinger – Heralds death with a hearty “Ha ha!”
  16. Sir Chortlemaw – His chortling echoes through the battlefield, striking fear and confusion.
  17. Lord Bonecruncher – Crunches bones with a smile on his face.
  18. Sir Gigglegrasp – His grasp is as firm as his laughter is infectious.
  19. Duke Chucklebane – Brings the bane of death with a mischievous chuckle.
  20. Sir Mirthful Reaper – The jolliest reaper you’ll ever meet.
  21. Baron Skulltitter – His skull titters as he swings his scythe.
  22. Sir Cacklebone – Cackles uncontrollably, especially when delivering the final blow.
  23. Lord Grinreaper – Reaps souls with a wide, unsettling grin.
  24. Sir Jokedeath – Always has a deathly joke up his sleeve.
  25. Baron Bonelaugh – His bones rattle with laughter as he charges into battle.
  26. Sir Quipscythe – Known for his sharp scythe and even sharper wit.
  27. Lord Snickerdoom – Delivers doom with a sly snicker.
  28. Sir Grimtickle – Likes to tickle his opponents before sending them to the afterlife.
  29. Baron Chucklebite – Bites with a chuckle, bringing an end to his foes with a smile.
  30. Sir Guffaw the Grim – His deep guffaw is the last thing his enemies hear.

Funny Knight Names (Dirty/Innuendo)

  1. Sir Loin of Beef – Known for his impressive… cuts of meat.
  2. Dame Ticklebritches – Always in a playful mood, especially when armor gets tight.
  3. Sir Craven Moorehead – Constantly seeking head, of his enemies, of course.
  4. Lady Bustyplate – Her armor is quite… well-endowed.
  5. Sir Jerkalot – Famous for his quick… sword movements.
  6. Lady Fannyflasher – Often “forgets” to secure her armor properly.
  7. Sir Cumference – A knight who’s always well-rounded.
  8. Dame Rubbeezy – Loves to rub people the right (and wrong) way.
  9. Sir Lancelittle – He’s a bit short… on patience, that is.
  10. Lady Tittywinks – Known for her playful games, and distractions.
  11. Sir Lickalot – Always eager to taste victory.
  12. Dame Fondlemyre – Known for her hands-on approach to combat.
  13. Sir Pantsalot – Gets a bit too excited in battle.
  14. Lady Humpington – Enjoys a good ride, especially into battle.
  15. Sir Prancelot – His “sword” is always at attention.
  16. Dame Jigglejugs – Her armor tends to jiggle… in all the right places.
  17. Sir Bendher – Known for his flexibility in… negotiations.
  18. Lady Shagwell – Always leaves the battlefield satisfied.
  19. Sir Rammington – Charges into battle with… force.
  20. Dame Twiddletits – Always fiddling with something… or someone.
  21. Sir Climax – Always reaches the peak at the right moment.
  22. Lady Nippleton – Her armor leaves little to the imagination.
  23. Sir Stiffbottom – Known for his rigid… stance in battle.
  24. Dame Boobytrap – Her traps are as deadly as they are distracting.
  25. Sir Strokesalot – Master of the long, slow… sword stroke.
  26. Lady Kneedslapper – Loves a good… joke, among other things.
  27. Sir Rodrick – His weapon of choice is always hard and ready.
  28. Lady Spankalot – Loves to discipline… her foes.
  29. Sir Thrustwell – His thrusts are legendary on the battlefield.
  30. Dame Teasealot – Enjoys playing with her enemies… before finishing them off.

Funny Medieval Knight Names

  1. Sir Loin of Beef – A pun on “sirloin,” making this knight sound like a noble cut of meat.
  2. Sir Cumference the Round – A playful name for a round knight, referencing the mathematical term “circumference.”
  3. Sir Render of the Kingdom – A pun on “surrender,” fitting for a knight who gives in easily.
  4. Sir Vival the Everlasting – A twist on “survival,” for a knight who always manages to stay alive.
  5. Sir Endipitous the Lucky – Derived from “serendipitous,” a knight who always stumbles upon good fortune.
  6. Sir Veillance the Watchful – A pun on “surveillance,” for a knight who keeps a close watch.
  7. Sir Pass the Gravy – A humorous take on “pass the gravy,” for a knight who loves his food.
  8. Sir Pent the Coiled – A play on “serpent,” suggesting a sly or sneaky knight.
  9. Sir Real the Surprising – A pun on “surreal,” for a knight who is strange and unexpected.
  10. Sir Charge the Bold – A pun on “surcharge” and “charge,” fitting for a knight who leads the charge.
  11. Sir Mount the Steed – A play on “surmount,” fitting for a knight who always overcomes obstacles.
  12. Sir Prize the Unexpected – A pun on “surprise,” for a knight who always catches others off guard.
  13. Sir Vivor the Resilient – Derived from “survivor,” a knight who withstands any challenge.
  14. Sir Plus the Plentiful – A pun on “surplus,” for a knight who always has more than enough.
  15. Sir D’Rap the Swift – A play on “syndrap,” for a quick and agile knight.
  16. Sir Monious the Judgmental – A twist on “ceremonious,” for a knight who is always formal and proper.
  17. Sir Pentine the Slippery – A pun on “serpentine,” for a knight who is sly and slippery.
  18. Sir Ender the Last – A play on “surrender,” for the knight who always ends up in last place.
  19. Sir Face the Fearless – A pun on “surface,” for a knight who confronts challenges head-on.
  20. Sir Cuitous the Roundabout – A play on “circuitous,” for a knight who takes the long way around.
  21. Sir Tainly the Certain – A twist on “certainly,” for a knight who is sure of everything.
  22. Sir Castic the Sarcastic – A pun on “sarcastic,” for a knight with a sharp tongue.
  23. Sir Realist the Pragmatic – A play on “surrealist,” for a knight grounded in reality.
  24. Sir Cumstantial the Careful – A twist on “circumstantial,” for a knight who is cautious and careful.
  25. Sir Culant the Courteous – A play on “circumculant,” for a knight who is always polite and courteous.
  26. Sir Pass the Potatoes – A humorous knight who’s always asking for more food at the table.
  27. Sir Roundabout the Indirect – A pun on “roundabout,” for a knight who never takes the direct path.
  28. Sir Charge the Brave – A twist on “surcharge,” for a knight who always charges into battle.
  29. Sir Rebral the Thoughtful – A pun on “cerebral,” for a knight who is deep in thought.
  30. Sir Pent the Sly – A play on “serpent,” for a cunning and sneaky knight.

Funny Dragon Knight Names

  1. Sir Scales-a-Lot – A knight known for his impressive dragon-like armor covered in scales.
  2. Sir Burnsalot – A fiery knight who loves to leave things a little too well-done.
  3. Sir Fluffernuff the Soft – A dragon knight with a surprisingly soft and fluffy demeanor.
  4. Sir Puff the Mighty – A play on “Puff the Magic Dragon,” for a knight with a big, fiery breath.
  5. Sir Hiss the Sneaky – A knight who slithers through his enemies like a sneaky dragon.
  6. Sir Roar-a-Thon – A knight whose dragon roar can be heard miles away, nonstop.
  7. Sir Dracarys the Toasty – A nod to the fiery command, for a knight who loves to turn up the heat.
  8. Sir Scorchington – A knight who leaves a trail of scorched earth wherever he goes.
  9. Sir Snore the Slumbering – A dragon knight who spends more time napping than battling.
  10. Sir Flameworthy – A knight always considered worthy of starting a good fire.
  11. Sir Singe the Unlucky – A knight who always seems to get a bit too close to the fire.
  12. Sir Wing-a-Ding – A playful knight with wings that make him more clumsy than agile.
  13. Sir Dragoon the Lethargic – A dragon knight who’s too lazy to fly but gets the job done.
  14. Sir Cinder the Smoldering – A knight who’s always smoldering with a little leftover heat.
  15. Sir Hotfoot the Swift – A knight known for his fast feet, especially when things get too hot.
  16. Sir Emberheart – A knight with a heart as warm as a glowing ember.
  17. Sir Firebreath the Unstoppable – A knight with an unstoppable, fiery breath.
  18. Sir Char the Well-Done – A knight who prefers his enemies well-cooked.
  19. Sir Blaze the Bright – A knight who lights up the night sky with his fiery presence.
  20. Sir Dragonwagon – A knight who carries around his dragon-like features in a cumbersome way.
  21. Sir Pyro the Playful – A knight who loves to play with fire, sometimes too much.
  22. Sir Toast the Roasty – A knight who always brings the heat, even to his breakfast.
  23. Sir Firestarter the Mischievous – A knight who just can’t resist starting a little trouble with fire.
  24. Sir Flicker the Fickle – A knight whose flame is unpredictable and changes with the wind.
  25. Sir Smokescreen – A knight who loves to disappear in a puff of smoke.
  26. Sir Blaze-a-Glory – A knight who always goes out in a blaze of glory.
  27. Sir Flameshade – A knight who always finds a way to stay cool under fire.
  28. Sir Dracon the Dragon-hearted – A knight with the courage and heart of a dragon.
  29. Sir Fizzle the Fainter – A knight whose flames tend to fizzle out at the worst times.
  30. Sir Ashes the Unburnt – A knight who walks through fire and always comes out the other side, barely singed.

Funny Pun Knight Names

  1. Sir Prize – A knight who’s always a surprising presence.
  2. Sir Loin of Beef – A knight who’s a real “meaty” character.
  3. Sir Cumference – A knight who’s always going around in circles, literally or figuratively.
  4. Sir Ender – A knight who ends every battle, one way or another.
  5. Sir Render – A knight who always gives up… or gives in.
  6. Sir Realist – A knight who’s always grounded, even in the most fantastical situations.
  7. Sir Vivor – A knight who survives every battle, no matter how tough.
  8. Sir Veillance – A knight who’s always watching, sometimes too closely.
  9. Sir Pass the Gravy – A knight who’s always at the dinner table, ready for the next course.
  10. Sir Tainly – A knight who’s certain about everything, even when he shouldn’t be.
  11. Sir Pent – A knight who’s always coiled and ready to strike.
  12. Sir Charge – A knight who leads the charge, or maybe just charges a fee.
  13. Sir Cumstantial – A knight who’s always cautious and careful, only acting when the situation is just right.
  14. Sir Vival – A knight who’s always full of life and energy.
  15. Sir Cuitous – A knight who never takes the direct route, always going the long way around.
  16. Sir Cuit – A knight who’s always following orders, especially when it involves a suit.
  17. Sir Round – A knight who’s well-rounded, in skill and perhaps in shape.
  18. Sir Monious – A knight who’s overly ceremonial, always sticking to the rules.
  19. Sir Plus – A knight who’s always got a little extra to give.
  20. Sir Face – A knight who’s always confronting his fears head-on.
  21. Sir Cumference the Second – A knight who’s just as round as his predecessor.
  22. Sir Real – A knight who seems almost too good to be true.
  23. Sir Charge-a-Lot – A knight who’s always leading the way, or maybe just running up the bill.
  24. Sir D’Rap – A knight who’s quick on his feet and with his words.
  25. Sir Cadian – A knight who always follows a daily routine, no matter what.
  26. Sir Pent the Coiled – A knight who’s always ready to strike, like a serpent.
  27. Sir Veyor – A knight who’s always carrying the weight of responsibility.
  28. Sir Real the Unreal – A knight who’s too fantastic to be believed.
  29. Sir Mount – A knight who’s always on top, of his horse or the situation.
  30. Sir Tificate – A knight who always has the right credentials.

Famous Knight Names

  1. Sir Lancelot – One of the most famous knights of the Round Table in Arthurian legend, known for his unmatched bravery and tragic love for Queen Guinevere.
  2. Sir Gawain – Another of King Arthur’s knights, known for his loyalty, strength, and the famous tale “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.”
  3. Sir Galahad – The purest and most virtuous knight of the Round Table, known for his successful quest to find the Holy Grail.
  4. Sir Percival – One of the original knights in the Grail Quest, known for his innocence and eventually finding the Holy Grail.
  5. Sir Tristan – A knight of the Round Table, famous for his tragic love story with Iseult in Arthurian legend.
  6. Sir Bedivere – A loyal knight of King Arthur who is one of the last surviving knights after the Battle of Camlann and returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake.
  7. Sir Bors – Known for his loyalty and strength, he is one of the knights who accompanied Sir Galahad on the quest for the Holy Grail.
  8. Sir Mordred – Often depicted as a traitor, he is King Arthur’s nephew (or son, in some versions) who ultimately battles Arthur at Camlann.
  9. Sir Kay – King Arthur’s foster brother and seneschal, known for his sharp tongue and hot temper.
  10. Sir Ector – The foster father of King Arthur and father of Sir Kay, known for raising the future king.
  11. Sir Palamedes – A Saracen knight of the Round Table, known for his unrequited love for Isolde and his rivalry with Sir Tristan.
  12. Sir Lamorak – A powerful and respected knight, known for his prowess in battle and his tragic death at the hands of Sir Gawain’s brothers.
  13. Sir Agravaine – A member of the Orkney clan and one of the less noble knights of the Round Table, known for his role in exposing Lancelot and Guinevere’s affair.
  14. Sir Gaheris – Brother of Sir Gawain, often overshadowed by his more famous siblings, but known for his loyalty and tragic death.
  15. Sir Gareth – Another of Gawain’s brothers, known for his humility and strength, and for the tale of “Beaumains” in Malory’s “Le Morte d’Arthur.”
  16. Sir Yvain (or Owain) – Known as “The Knight of the Lion,” he is famous for his adventures involving a magical fountain and a lion companion.
  17. Sir Balin – Known as “Balin the Savage,” famous for the “Dolorous Stroke” that maimed the Fisher King and brought disaster upon the kingdom.
  18. Sir Pelleas – A knight known for his tragic love story with Lady Ettard and his unwavering loyalty to the ideals of knighthood.
  19. Sir Lionel – A cousin of Sir Lancelot and often his companion in various quests.
  20. Sir Hector de Maris – The half-brother of Sir Lancelot, known for his bravery and loyalty to Lancelot and King Arthur.
  21. Sir Dagonet – King Arthur’s jester, often depicted as a fool but sometimes shown as a brave knight in his own right.
  22. Sir Geraint – Known for his story in the “Mabinogion,” where he proves his worth as a knight while also reaffirming his love for his wife, Enid.
  23. Sir Safir – A Saracen knight and brother to Sir Palamedes, known for converting to Christianity and joining the Round Table.
  24. Sir Marrok – A knight known in some Arthurian tales for being a werewolf, trapped in wolf form due to his wife’s betrayal.
  25. Sir Breunor le Noir (La Cote Male Taile) – Known for wearing a poorly fitting coat, but later proving his worth as a knight of the Round Table.
  26. Sir Aglovale – One of the less well-known knights, brother to Percival, involved in several quests and tales.
  27. Sir Galahad of Wales – Sometimes conflated with Sir Galahad, he is known for his purity and success in the Grail quest.
  28. Sir Alymere – A knight known for various minor roles in Arthurian tales, often as a supporter of King Arthur.
  29. Sir Bedwyr – The Welsh version of Sir Bedivere, known for his loyalty to Arthur and his role in returning Excalibur.
  30. Sir Brunor – Known as “Le Noir Chevalier” or “The Black Knight,” who was often an antagonist in various tales.
  31. Sir Meliot – A knight who appears in some Grail quests, often in connection with healing or prophetic events.
  32. Sir Lionel of the Round Table – A close companion of Lancelot, known for his loyalty and courage.
  33. Sir Dinadan – A knight known for his wit and humor, often providing comic relief in Arthurian stories.
  34. Sir Tor – A knight who was known for his prowess and was one of the first to be knighted by King Arthur.
  35. Sir Galagars – A knight of the Round Table known for his brief but noble appearances in the Arthurian legends.
  36. Sir Lavaine – A loyal companion to Lancelot, known for his role in the tale of the “Fair Maid of Astolat.”
  37. Sir Elyan the White – Son of Sir Bors and a knight of the Round Table, known for his bravery and loyalty.
  38. Sir Bedyr – A knight often involved in quests involving the supernatural or mystical.
  39. Sir Percard – A lesser-known knight, often involved in smaller quests or battles.
  40. Sir Morholt – A knight and giant from Ireland, known for his battle with Tristan.
  41. Sir Erec – Known for the tale “Erec and Enide,” a love story that also tests his knighthood.
  42. Sir Accolon – A knight who nearly defeated King Arthur with the sword Excalibur due to a plot by Morgan le Fay.
  43. Sir Morien – A knight of African descent, known for his adventures and search for his father, Aglovale.
  44. Sir Florent – Known for his encounter with the Loathly Lady, a tale of chivalry and wisdom.
  45. Sir Turquine – A villainous knight known for capturing and imprisoning knights of the Round Table, eventually defeated by Lancelot.
  46. Sir Balyn le Savage – Known for wielding the cursed sword that delivered the Dolorous Stroke.
  47. Sir Ector the Lesser – Known for his loyalty to King Arthur and often confused with Sir Ector, Arthur’s foster father.
  48. Sir Galeshin – A knight of the Round Table, often involved in various quests and battles.
  49. Sir Gingalain – Also known as “Le Bel Inconnu” or “The Fair Unknown,” a knight of noble heart and mysterious origins.
  50. Sir Lucan the Butler – Known for his loyalty to King Arthur and his tragic death following the Battle of Camlann.

Dark Knight Names

  1. Shadowbane – Brings darkness and destruction, banishing all light.
  2. Grimblade – His sword brings only death and despair.
  3. Nightstalker – Moves silently through the night, hunting his prey.
  4. Doomsword – Wields a blade that brings doom to all who face it.
  5. Ebonshade – Cloaked in shadows, he strikes without warning.
  6. Darkreaver – Reaves the souls of those he vanquishes.
  7. Bloodshadow – His presence is like a shadow drenched in blood.
  8. Ravenclaw – His claws are as deadly as the raven’s beak.
  9. Deathbringer – Brings death and destruction wherever he goes.
  10. Blackthorn – His armor is as dark and thorny as his soul.
  11. Shadowmourne – Mourns the light, bringing only darkness in his wake.
  12. Soulrender – Rends the souls of his enemies with ease.
  13. Nightmare – A terror in the night, haunting the dreams of his foes.
  14. Wraithblade – His blade is as ghostly and deadly as a wraith.
  15. Voidwalker – Walks the void between life and death, bringing despair.
  16. Cursedfang – His fangs are cursed, delivering death with a single bite.
  17. Obsidianheart – His heart is as cold and dark as obsidian.
  18. Blackshadow – A shadow darker than night, consuming all light.
  19. Deathveil – Veiled in darkness, he brings only death.
  20. Nightwrath – His wrath is unleashed under the cover of darkness.
  21. Gravedigger – Digs the graves of his enemies, leaving none alive.
  22. Abysswalker – Walks the abyss, dragging souls down with him.
  23. Soulshiver – Causes the souls of his enemies to shiver in fear.
  24. Ebonclaw – His claws are as dark and deadly as ebony.
  25. Bloodreaver – Reaves the blood of his enemies, leaving none to tell the tale.
  26. Darkvengeance – Seeks vengeance in the darkest of nights.
  27. Shadowfury – His fury is unleashed in the shadows, destroying all.
  28. Oblivion – Brings oblivion to all who cross his path.
  29. Hellshade – His shade is as dark and terrifying as hell itself.
  30. Voidreaver – Reaves the void, leaving only emptiness in his wake.

Vampire Knight Names

  1. Bloodfang – Known for his razor-sharp fangs that thirst for blood.
  2. Nightshade – His presence brings darkness and the scent of death.
  3. Crimsonblade – Wields a sword that drips with the blood of his enemies.
  4. Shadowfang – Strikes from the shadows, leaving no trace but a bite.
  5. Bloodmoon – Rises with the blood moon, his power at its peak.
  6. Darkthirst – His thirst for blood is insatiable, driving him to endless battles.
  7. Ebonfang – His fangs are as dark and deadly as ebony.
  8. Crimsonshade – Cloaked in a crimson mist, he’s as elusive as he is deadly.
  9. Bloodshadow – A shadow that moves silently, always seeking blood.
  10. Nightsbane – The bane of all who walk in the light, he hunts in the dark.
  11. Vladiscar – Named after the infamous Vlad, known for his bloodlust.
  12. Bloodreaver – Reaves the blood of his enemies, leaving them drained.
  13. Darkfang – His fangs are feared across the lands, bringing eternal night.
  14. Sanguinblade – His blade is soaked in the blood of countless foes.
  15. Nocturnus – Master of the night, his power grows as darkness falls.
  16. Crimsonwrath – His wrath is as fierce as his thirst for blood.
  17. Eclipsedfang – Strikes during the eclipse, when the world is cloaked in shadow.
  18. Bloodwarden – Guards the ancient bloodlines, ensuring their survival.
  19. Darkveil – Veiled in darkness, he hides his true nature until it’s too late.
  20. Bloodshade – His presence brings a crimson shadow, a sign of impending doom.
  21. Nightreaver – Reaves the night for his sustenance, leaving no one safe.
  22. Vladmir the Undying – Known for his immortality and relentless pursuit of blood.
  23. Bloodraven – His eyes are as sharp as a raven’s, and his thirst as deep as the night.
  24. Sablefang – His fangs are as black as night, his bite as cold as death.
  25. Bloodcurse – His curse is eternal, bound to the night and the thirst for blood.
  26. Darkblood – His blood is as dark as his soul, a true vampire knight.
  27. Nocturne – Embodies the night, moving silently and striking swiftly.
  28. Bloodthorn – His strikes are as sharp as thorns, and his thirst as deep as the ocean.
  29. Nightfang – Hunts the night with fangs that pierce the souls of his victims.
  30. Sanguinex – A knight whose very name invokes the power of blood, feared by all.

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