Japanese Names

+138 Japanese Names Meaning Star + Generator

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Tomoboshi (友星)
"Friend star." Represents loyalty, trustworthiness, and the light of friendship.
Kiyohiko (清星子)
"Pure star child." A name representing innocence and clarity.
Hoshisuke (星介)
"Star helper." Symbolizes a person who brings light and guidance to others, like a star in the night.
Hoshio (星生)
"Star life." Represents a family with a vibrant, life-giving energy like the stars.
Yuzuhiko (柚子星子)
"Citrus child star." A refreshing name suggesting vibrancy and freshness.

Ever wondered about the celestial beauty behind Japanese names? Many Japanese names are inspired by the natural world, and stars are no exception. From sparkling constellations to shooting stars, the cosmos offers a rich tapestry of names that hold deep meaning and symbolism.

Let’s embark on a journey through the starry skies of Japanese names, exploring their significance and the stories they tell.

Japanese Girl Names Meaning Star

  • Hoshiko (星子) – “Star child.” A classic name representing a child blessed by the stars.
  • Akariko (明星子) – “Bright star child.” A name symbolizing brilliance and hope.
  • Nagareboshi (流れ星) – “Shooting star.” Suggests a fleeting, beautiful presence.
  • Kirahoshi (煌星) – “Sparkling star.” Represents someone who shines brightly.
  • Miyuhoshi (美夢星) – “Beautiful dream star.” A name suggesting beautiful dreams guided by the stars.
  • Kanahoshi (金星) – “Golden star.” Refers to Venus, often called the “morning star.”
  • Yuzuhoshi (柚星) – “Citrus star.” A refreshing and unique name blending nature and stars.
  • Sorahoshi (空星) – “Sky star.” Symbolizes the vastness of the sky and stars.
  • Hikariko (光星子) – “Light star child.” Represents a child who brings light.
  • Kiyohoshi (清星) – “Pure star.” A name symbolizing purity and clarity.
  • Reihoshi (麗星) – “Lovely star.” Represents grace and beauty.
  • Chikahoshi (近星) – “Nearby star.” Symbolizes closeness and warmth.
  • Mizuhoshi (瑞星) – “Auspicious star.” A name bringing good fortune.
  • Haruhoshi (春星) – “Spring star.” Represents renewal and fresh beginnings.
  • Ayahoshi (彩星) – “Colorful star.” A name representing vibrancy and variety.
  • Mizuhiko (水星子) – “Water star child.” Symbolizes fluidity and adaptability.
  • Shizuhoshi (静星) – “Silent star.” A name suggesting tranquility and peace.
  • Fuyuhoshi (冬星) – “Winter star.” Represents quiet beauty in the cold season.
  • Hotaru (蛍星) – “Firefly star.” Combines the imagery of a firefly and a star, suggesting a gentle glow.
  • Natsuhoshi (夏星) – “Summer star.” Represents warmth and brightness.
  • Tsukihoshi (月星) – “Moon star.” A name connecting the moon and stars, symbolizing harmony.
  • Akihoshi (秋星) – “Autumn star.” Suggests maturity and the richness of the harvest season.
  • Seihoshi (青星) – “Blue star.” Represents calmness and serenity.
  • Suzuhoshi (涼星) – “Cool star.” A name suggesting refreshing coolness.
  • Mahoshi (真星) – “True star.” Represents honesty and authenticity.
  • Kazehoshi (風星) – “Wind star.” Symbolizes freedom and movement.
  • Erihoshi (絵星) – “Picture star.” Represents a star as beautiful as a painting.
  • Yumihoshi (夢星) – “Dream star.” Symbolizes aspirations and hopes.
  • Amehoshi (雨星) – “Rain star.” A poetic name blending the imagery of rain and stars.
  • Yuzuhiko (柚子星子) – “Citrus child star.” A refreshing name suggesting vibrancy and freshness.
  • Kohoshi (小星) – “Little star.” Represents a small but significant presence.
  • Tamahoshi (玉星) – “Jewel star.” Suggests something precious and valuable.
  • Arihoshi (有星) – “Existing star.” Symbolizes the presence of a guiding star.
  • Nozomihoshi (望星) – “Wishing star.” Represents hope and desire.
  • Kasumihoshi (霞星) – “Hazy star.” A name suggesting subtle beauty.
  • Shirahoshi (白星) – “White star.” Represents purity and clarity.
  • Himahoshi (陽星) – “Sunshine star.” Combines the imagery of the sun and stars.
  • Kiyohiko (清星子) – “Pure star child.” A name representing innocence and clarity.
  • Mihoshi (美星) – “Beautiful star.” Represents beauty and elegance.
  • Shunhoshi (瞬星) – “Twinkling star.” Suggests a lively and dynamic personality.
  • Umehoshi (梅星) – “Plum blossom star.” A poetic name representing resilience and beauty.
  • Kaoruhoshi (香星) – “Fragrant star.” Symbolizes a pleasant and lasting impression.
  • Yukihoshi (雪星) – “Snow star.” Represents purity and calmness.
  • Sakurahoshi (桜星) – “Cherry blossom star.” Symbolizes beauty and ephemerality.
  • Tomohoshi (友星) – “Friend star.” Represents friendship and loyalty.
  • Ayuhoshi (鮎星) – “Sweetfish star.” A unique name combining nature and celestial imagery.
  • Hinahoshi (雛星) – “Little bird star.” Suggests delicacy and gentleness.
  • Koharu (小春星) – “Little spring star.” A name representing hope and renewal.
  • Mizuki (水星) – “Water star.” Symbolizes fluidity and adaptability.
  • Yumiko (夢星子) – “Dream star child.” Represents a child full of dreams.

Japanese Boy Names Meaning Star

  • Hoshio (星男) – “Star man.” A strong and straightforward name.
  • Ryuusei (流星) – “Meteor.” Represents speed and brilliance.
  • Kazehoshi (風星男) – “Wind star man.” Symbolizes freedom and energy.
  • Shinhoshi (真星男) – “True star man.” Represents integrity and authenticity.
  • Tsubasahoshi (翼星) – “Winged star.” Suggests freedom and ambition.
  • Daiki (大星) – “Big star.” Represents greatness and leadership.
  • Kazuho (和星) – “Harmony star.” Symbolizes peace and balance.
  • Sorahiko (空星男) – “Sky star man.” Represents vastness and freedom.
  • Takashi (高星) – “Tall star.” Suggests aspiration and high achievement.
  • Raihiko (雷星男) – “Thunder star man.” Represents power and intensity.
  • Seihiko (青星男) – “Blue star man.” Suggests calmness and wisdom.
  • Kenhoshi (健星) – “Healthy star.” Represents vitality and strength.
  • Yoshihoshi (義星) – “Righteous star.” Symbolizes justice and honor.
  • Naohoshi (直星) – “Straight star.” Represents honesty and directness.
  • Hirohiko (広星男) – “Wide star man.” Suggests broad-mindedness and openness.
  • Reihiko (礼星男) – “Polite star man.” Represents respect and kindness.
  • Takahoshi (隆星) – “Noble star.” Symbolizes dignity and grace.
  • Shigeki (繁星) – “Prosperous star.” Represents growth and success.
  • Masahiko (正星男) – “Correct star man.” Symbolizes righteousness and morality.
  • Haruhiko (春星男) – “Spring star man.” Represents renewal and new beginnings.
  • Fumihoshi (文星) – “Literary star.” Suggests wisdom and creativity.
  • Yamato (大和星) – “Great harmony star.” Symbolizes unity and peace.
  • Tomohiko (友星男) – “Friend star man.” Represents loyalty and camaraderie.
  • Hikaru (光星男) – “Light star man.” Symbolizes brightness and clarity.
  • Akihiko (秋星男) – “Autumn star man.” Represents maturity and richness.
  • Michihiko (道星男) – “Path star man.” Symbolizes guidance and direction.
  • Ryuhoshi (竜星) – “Dragon star.” Suggests strength and mystique.
  • Shunhiko (瞬星男) – “Twinkling star man.” Represents liveliness and charisma.
  • Hiroshi (博星) – “Broad star.” Suggests intelligence and wisdom.
  • Fuyuhiko (冬星男) – “Winter star man.” Represents calmness and resilience.
  • Satoru (悟星) – “Enlightened star.” Symbolizes wisdom and understanding.
  • Keihoshi (景星) – “Scenic star.” Suggests beauty and tranquility.
  • Yutahiko (豊星男) – “Abundant star man.” Represents prosperity and abundance.
  • Isao (功星) – “Merit star.” Symbolizes achievement and success.
  • Hayahoshi (早星) – “Early star.” Represents promptness and readiness.
  • Katsuhiko (勝星男) – “Victory star man.” Symbolizes triumph and success.
  • Masatoshi (正星男) – “Righteous star man.” Represents integrity and honor.
  • Nobuhiko (信星男) – “Faithful star man.” Symbolizes loyalty and trustworthiness.
  • Takahiko (高星男) – “High star man.” Suggests ambition and aspiration.
  • Shigehiko (茂星男) – “Luxuriant star man.” Represents abundance and growth.
  • Koichi (光一星) – “First light star.” Suggests a pioneering spirit.
  • Hikohoshi (彦星) – “Prince star.” A noble name symbolizing dignity.
  • Mitsuho (光星) – “Radiant star.” Represents brilliance and splendor.
  • Yoshihiko (良星男) – “Good star man.” Symbolizes kindness and virtue.
  • Takashige (隆星男) – “Noble star man.” Represents nobility and grace.
  • Naruhiko (成星男) – “Achieving star man.” Symbolizes accomplishment and success.
  • Atsuhiko (厚星男) – “Generous star man.” Represents kindness and generosity.
  • Shunichi (俊星) – “Talented star.” Symbolizes skill and aptitude.
  • Kazuhiko (和星男) – “Harmonious star man.” Represents peace and balance.
  • Renhoshi (蓮星) – “Lotus star.” A name suggesting purity and resilience.

Unisex Japanese Names Meaning Star

  • Hoshi (星) – “Star.” A simple and direct name representing a star.
  • Hoshiki (星輝) – “Star shine.” Symbolizes someone who shines brightly like a star.
  • Ryuusei (流星) – “Shooting star.” Represents someone who is dynamic and quick, like a meteor.
  • Hoshito (星人) – “Star person.” Symbolizes a person connected to the stars, embodying celestial qualities.
  • Hoshimi (星見) – “Star gazer.” Represents someone who loves and seeks out the stars.
  • Kirahoshi (煌星) – “Sparkling star.” Suggests a person who sparkles with life and energy.
  • Hoshizora (星空) – “Starry sky.” Represents a vast and open mind, like the night sky filled with stars.
  • Mizuhoshi (瑞星) – “Auspicious star.” Symbolizes someone blessed by good fortune under the stars.
  • Seihoshi (青星) – “Blue star.” Suggests calmness, tranquility, and depth of character.
  • Hoshikaze (星風) – “Star wind.” Represents a person who moves freely and lightly, like the wind under the stars.
  • Akariboshi (明星) – “Bright star.” Symbolizes a bright and hopeful personality.
  • Nagareboshi (流れ星) – “Shooting star.” Represents someone who is fleeting yet impactful.
  • Haruboshi (春星) – “Spring star.” Symbolizes renewal, growth, and new beginnings.
  • Yumeboshi (夢星) – “Dream star.” Represents a person who dreams big and is inspired by the stars.
  • Kiyoboshi (清星) – “Pure star.” Suggests purity, clarity, and innocence.
  • Sorahoshi (空星) – “Sky star.” Represents someone who is free-spirited and boundless like the sky.
  • Kazehoshi (風星) – “Wind star.” Symbolizes a person with a dynamic and free-flowing nature.
  • Reihoshi (麗星) – “Lovely star.” Represents someone who is graceful and beautiful.
  • Fuyuboshi (冬星) – “Winter star.” Symbolizes quiet strength and resilience, like a star in the winter sky.
  • Hoshihara (星原) – “Star field.” Represents someone who is vast, nurturing, and abundant like a star-filled field.
  • Shinboshi (真星) – “True star.” Symbolizes authenticity and someone who stays true to themselves.
  • Hoshino (星乃) – “Of the stars.” Represents a connection to the stars, suggesting a person with a celestial essence.
  • Miyuboshi (美夢星) – “Beautiful dream star.” Suggests a person who embodies beautiful dreams.
  • Tsubasahoshi (翼星) – “Winged star.” Represents someone who aspires to reach great heights, with the stars as their guide.
  • Hoshika (星花) – “Star flower.” Symbolizes a person who blooms beautifully under the stars.
  • Akiboshi (秋星) – “Autumn star.” Represents maturity, wisdom, and the richness of life experiences.
  • Hikariboshi (光星) – “Light star.” Suggests someone who brings light and warmth to those around them.
  • Hoshimoto (星本) – “Star origin.” Represents a person who is rooted in something timeless and enduring, like the stars.
  • Ameboshi (雨星) – “Rain star.” Symbolizes someone who brings refreshment and growth, like rain under the stars.
  • Hoshiyama (星山) – “Star mountain.” Represents strength, stability, and a person who stands tall like a mountain under the stars.
  • Sukiboshi (月星) – “Moon star.” Represents harmony and balance, combining the beauty of the moon and the stars.
  • Hoshikawa (星川) – “Star river.” Symbolizes a flowing and adaptable nature, like a river under the stars.
  • Aoboshi (蒼星) – “Pale blue star.” Suggests calmness, serenity, and depth of character.
  • Tomoboshi (友星) – “Friend star.” Represents loyalty, trustworthiness, and the light of friendship.
  • Hinaboshi (雛星) – “Little star.” Symbolizes a delicate, precious, and new beginning.
  • Hoshihana (星華) – “Star blossom.” Represents a person who flourishes and brings beauty to the world.
  • Hoshiki (星樹) – “Star tree.” Suggests growth, stability, and a connection to both earth and sky.
  • Kohoshi (小星) – “Little star.” Represents someone who may be small in size but shines brightly.
  • Natsuboshi (夏星) – “Summer star.” Symbolizes warmth, brightness, and the energy of summer nights.
  • Hoshimitsu (星光) – “Star light.” Represents a person who illuminates the world around them.
  • Hoshida (星田) – “Star field.” Suggests fertility, growth, and nurturing qualities.
  • Hoshitaka (星高) – “Star height.” Symbolizes someone who aims high and achieves great things.
  • Shizuboshi (静星) – “Silent star.” Represents someone who has a calm, peaceful presence.
  • Hoshimaru (星丸) – “Round star.” Symbolizes wholeness, completeness, and balance.
  • Tsukiboshi (月星) – “Moon star.” Represents a harmonious blend of moon and star qualities.
  • Hoshiryu (星竜) – “Star dragon.” Symbolizes power, mystique, and a strong connection to the stars.
  • Hoshimori (星守) – “Star guardian.” Represents a person who protects and watches over others, guided by the stars.
  • Mizuboshi (水星) – “Water star.” Suggests adaptability, fluidity, and the ability to reflect the world around them.
  • Hoshimune (星宗) – “Star faith.” Symbolizes a person whose beliefs and values are as constant as the stars.
  • Hoshihito (星仁) – “Star compassion.” Represents a person who brings kindness and compassion, like a star that guides in the night.

Japanese Last Names Meaning Star

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