Japanese Names

Japanese Names That Mean Love (+150 Girl, Boy,… Names)

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Aizumi (愛澄)
"Love" (愛) and "clear" (澄), representing a love that is pure and transparent.
Aihina (愛陽)
"Love" (愛) and "sun" (陽), symbolizing a love that brings warmth and light.
Aizumi (愛隅)
"Love" (愛) and "corner" (隅), indicating a love that is hidden or reserved.
Aine (愛寧)
"Love" (愛) and "peace" (寧), symbolizing a peaceful and calm love.
Aiharu (愛晴)
"Love" (愛) and "clear sky" (晴), representing a bright and clear love.

Ever wondered about the beautiful meanings behind Japanese names? Many Japanese names carry deep significance, reflecting cultural values, historical events, or personal aspirations. In this article, we’ll explore a special theme: Japanese names that express the universal emotion of love. Let’s dive into the world of these heartwarming names and discover the stories they tell.

Girl Japanese Names That Mean Love

  1. Ai (愛) – Simple and direct, meaning “love.”
  2. Aimi (愛美) – Combines “love” (愛) with “beauty” (美).
  3. Aika (愛花) – “Love” (愛) and “flower” (花), symbolizing love blossoming like a flower.
  4. Aiko (愛子) – “Love” (愛) and “child” (子), meaning “child of love.”
  5. Airi (愛莉) – “Love” (愛) and “jasmine” (莉), a fragrant flower symbolizing affection.
  6. Aiho (愛帆) – “Love” (愛) and “sail” (帆), representing a journey of love.
  7. Aina (愛菜) – “Love” (愛) and “greens” (菜), symbolizing nurturing love.
  8. Aito (愛鳥) – “Love” (愛) and “bird” (鳥), suggesting a free and soaring love.
  9. Ainae (愛音) – “Love” (愛) and “sound” (音), symbolizing the harmonious sound of love.
  10. Aiha (愛羽) – “Love” (愛) and “feather” (羽), symbolizing a light and gentle love.
  11. Aitsuki (愛月) – “Love” (愛) and “moon” (月), representing a serene and enduring love.
  12. Aiharu (愛春) – “Love” (愛) and “spring” (春), indicating love that blooms like spring.
  13. Aizuki (愛月) – “Love” (愛) and “moon” (月), representing a love that shines in the dark.
  14. Aihoshi (愛星) – “Love” (愛) and “star” (星), symbolizing a love that is as vast as the stars.
  15. Aiuru (愛雨) – “Love” (愛) and “rain” (雨), symbolizing love that is gentle and nurturing.
  16. Aikae (愛香) – “Love” (愛) and “fragrance” (香), representing a love that lingers.
  17. Aizumi (愛澄) – “Love” (愛) and “clear/pure” (澄), symbolizing a pure and transparent love.
  18. Aine (愛寧) – “Love” (愛) and “peace” (寧), symbolizing a peaceful and calm love.
  19. Airoha (愛路) – “Love” (愛) and “path” (路), indicating a path of love.
  20. Aimiya (愛宮) – “Love” (愛) and “palace/shrine” (宮), representing a sacred love.
  21. Aiwa (愛和) – “Love” (愛) and “harmony” (和), indicating a harmonious love.
  22. Aiuta (愛詩) – “Love” (愛) and “poem/song” (詩), symbolizing a love that is poetic.
  23. Aiyuki (愛雪) – “Love” (愛) and “snow” (雪), representing a pure and serene love.
  24. Aiyuri (愛百合) – “Love” (愛) and “lily” (百合), symbolizing pure and graceful love.
  25. Aihoshi (愛星) – “Love” (愛) and “star” (星), indicating a love that is guiding.
  26. Aitsune (愛恒) – “Love” (愛) and “eternal” (恒), symbolizing an eternal love.
  27. Aikaze (愛風) – “Love” (愛) and “wind” (風), representing a love that is ever-present.
  28. Aihana (愛華) – “Love” (愛) and “flower” (華), symbolizing a flourishing love.
  29. Aiouka (愛桜) – “Love” (愛) and “cherry blossom” (桜), representing a delicate and beautiful love.
  30. Aiyu (愛優) – “Love” (愛) and “gentleness” (優), symbolizing a kind and gentle love.
  31. Aiaya (愛彩) – “Love” (愛) and “colorful” (彩), representing a vibrant love.
  32. Aikane (愛鐘) – “Love” (愛) and “bell” (鐘), symbolizing a love that resonates.
  33. Aisaka (愛咲) – “Love” (愛) and “bloom” (咲), indicating a love that blooms beautifully.
  34. Aikoha (愛琥) – “Love” (愛) and “amber” (琥), representing a warm and glowing love.
  35. Aineko (愛猫) – “Love” (愛) and “cat” (猫), symbolizing a love that is independent and caring.
  36. Aikumi (愛久美) – “Love” (愛) and “long-lasting beauty” (久美), indicating a love that endures.
  37. Aiyumi (愛弓) – “Love” (愛) and “bow” (弓), symbolizing a love that is direct and strong.
  38. Aitsuru (愛鶴) – “Love” (愛) and “crane” (鶴), representing a long-lasting and graceful love.
  39. Aikiho (愛希望) – “Love” (愛) and “hope” (希望), symbolizing a hopeful love.
  40. Aizora (愛空) – “Love” (愛) and “sky” (空), representing a boundless love.
  41. Aihanae (愛華音) – “Love” (愛), “flower” (華), and “sound” (音), symbolizing a love that blooms and resonates.
  42. Aikura (愛紅) – “Love” (愛) and “deep red” (紅), symbolizing a passionate love.
  43. Aihina (愛日向) – “Love” (愛) and “sunny place” (日向), representing a warm and comforting love.
  44. Aiharu (愛遥) – “Love” (愛) and “distant/far-reaching” (遥), symbolizing a love that transcends distance.
  45. Aisora (愛昊) – “Love” (愛) and “vast sky” (昊), representing an expansive love.
  46. Aikumo (愛雲) – “Love” (愛) and “cloud” (雲), symbolizing a love that is soft and gentle.
  47. Aikaoru (愛薫) – “Love” (愛) and “fragrance” (薫), representing a love that is sweet and enduring.
  48. Aihoshiko (愛星子) – “Love” (愛), “star” (星), and “child” (子), symbolizing a cherished and bright love.
  49. Aiayame (愛菖蒲) – “Love” (愛) and “iris flower” (菖蒲), representing a graceful and noble love.
  50. Aiura (愛麗) – “Love” (愛) and “beauty” (麗), symbolizing a love that is elegant and beautiful.

Boy Japanese Names That Mean Love

  1. Aito (愛斗) – “Love” (愛) and “fight” (斗), representing a strong and determined love.
  2. Aisuke (愛介) – “Love” (愛) and “help/assist” (介), symbolizing a supportive love.
  3. Aihiko (愛彦) – “Love” (愛) and “prince” (彦), indicating a noble and loving nature.
  4. Aiyuki (愛幸) – “Love” (愛) and “happiness” (幸), symbolizing a love that brings happiness.
  5. Aiharu (愛晴) – “Love” (愛) and “clear sky” (晴), representing a bright and clear love.
  6. Aisora (愛空) – “Love” (愛) and “sky” (空), symbolizing a vast and limitless love.
  7. Aikazu (愛和) – “Love” (愛) and “harmony” (和), representing a harmonious love.
  8. Aiken (愛賢) – “Love” (愛) and “wisdom” (賢), indicating a wise and thoughtful love.
  9. Aitsune (愛恒) – “Love” (愛) and “eternity” (恒), symbolizing an everlasting love.
  10. Aiyuma (愛夢) – “Love” (愛) and “dream” (夢), representing a love that is like a dream.
  11. Aikiyo (愛清) – “Love” (愛) and “pure” (清), symbolizing a pure and clean love.
  12. Aiyori (愛頼) – “Love” (愛) and “trust” (頼), indicating a trustworthy love.
  13. Aihide (愛秀) – “Love” (愛) and “excellence” (秀), symbolizing an outstanding love.
  14. Aitsuyu (愛梅) – “Love” (愛) and “plum” (梅), representing a resilient love.
  15. Aiyasu (愛靖) – “Love” (愛) and “peace” (靖), symbolizing a peaceful and calm love.
  16. Aikyo (愛響) – “Love” (愛) and “resonance” (響), representing a love that resonates deeply.
  17. Aihiko (愛彦) – “Love” (愛) and “boy” (彦), indicating a pure and young love.
  18. Aiyoru (愛陽) – “Love” (愛) and “sun” (陽), representing a warm and life-giving love.
  19. Aihara (愛治) – “Love” (愛) and “rule/govern” (治), symbolizing a love that brings order.
  20. Aikazu (愛和) – “Love” (愛) and “peace” (和), indicating a peaceful and harmonious love.
  21. Aisumi (愛澄) – “Love” (愛) and “clear” (澄), symbolizing a transparent and clear love.
  22. Aiharu (愛陽春) – “Love” (愛), “sun” (陽), and “spring” (春), representing a love that brings warmth and new beginnings.
  23. Aitake (愛岳) – “Love” (愛) and “mountain” (岳), symbolizing a love that is strong and enduring.
  24. Aikei (愛敬) – “Love” (愛) and “respect” (敬), indicating a respectful and honorable love.
  25. Aihiro (愛博) – “Love” (愛) and “vast” (博), representing a vast and encompassing love.
  26. Aishin (愛真) – “Love” (愛) and “truth” (真), symbolizing a love that is sincere and true.
  27. Aiyoshi (愛吉) – “Love” (愛) and “good fortune” (吉), representing a love that brings good luck.
  28. Aikou (愛幸) – “Love” (愛) and “blessing” (幸), symbolizing a blessed and happy love.
  29. Aihiro (愛浩) – “Love” (愛) and “abundant” (浩), representing an abundant and generous love.
  30. Aitaka (愛孝) – “Love” (愛) and “filial piety” (孝), indicating a love that is dutiful and respectful.
  31. Aihide (愛秀) – “Love” (愛) and “excellent” (秀), symbolizing an exceptional love.
  32. Aikazuya (愛和也) – “Love” (愛), “harmony” (和), and “also” (也), representing a love that brings harmony to all.
  33. Aikichi (愛吉) – “Love” (愛) and “good luck” (吉), symbolizing a love that is fortunate.
  34. Aitsuru (愛弦) – “Love” (愛) and “string” (弦), representing a love that binds and connects.
  35. Aiharu (愛悠) – “Love” (愛) and “leisurely” (悠), symbolizing a relaxed and comfortable love.
  36. Aikyo (愛郷) – “Love” (愛) and “hometown” (郷), indicating a love that is connected to one’s roots.
  37. Aisora (愛蒼) – “Love” (愛) and “blue” (蒼), representing a deep and serene love.
  38. Aiyori (愛頼) – “Love” (愛) and “reliability” (頼), symbolizing a dependable love.
  39. Aishin (愛新) – “Love” (愛) and “new” (新), representing a fresh and renewing love.
  40. Aihiko (愛飛行) – “Love” (愛) and “flight” (飛行), symbolizing a love that soars.
  41. Aikou (愛航) – “Love” (愛) and “voyage” (航), representing a love that is adventurous.
  42. Aiharu (愛春) – “Love” (愛) and “spring” (春), symbolizing a love that is full of life.
  43. Aikazu (愛一) – “Love” (愛) and “one” (一), representing a singular, focused love.
  44. Aihaya (愛隼) – “Love” (愛) and “falcon” (隼), symbolizing a swift and keen love.
  45. Aiyuma (愛湧真) – “Love” (愛), “spring forth” (湧), and “truth” (真), representing a love that is genuine and ever-flowing.
  46. Aitaka (愛高) – “Love” (愛) and “high” (高), symbolizing a lofty and noble love.
  47. Aiyuto (愛優斗) – “Love” (愛), “gentle” (優), and “fight” (斗), indicating a love that is both gentle and strong.
  48. Aikage (愛影) – “Love” (愛) and “shadow” (影), representing a love that is subtle and protective.
  49. Aihiro (愛弘) – “Love” (愛) and “expand” (弘), symbolizing a love that grows and spreads.
  50. Aiyoshi (愛義) – “Love” (愛) and “righteousness” (義), representing a just and honorable love.

Japanese Last Names That Mean Love

  1. Aizawa (愛沢) – “Love” (愛) and “swamp” (沢), indicating a place where love nurtures.
  2. Aihara (愛原) – “Love” (愛) and “field/plain” (原), symbolizing a vast field of love.
  3. Aikawa (愛川) – “Love” (愛) and “river” (川), representing a love that flows like a river.
  4. Aimoto (愛本) – “Love” (愛) and “origin” (本), meaning “origin of love.”
  5. Aida (愛田) – “Love” (愛) and “rice field” (田), representing a fertile place of love.
  6. Aisaka (愛坂) – “Love” (愛) and “hill/slope” (坂), symbolizing a love that endures challenges.
  7. Aino (愛野) – “Love” (愛) and “field” (野), representing a love that is natural and free.
  8. Aisaka (愛嶋) – “Love” (愛) and “island” (嶋), symbolizing a secluded and special place of love.
  9. Aihashi (愛橋) – “Love” (愛) and “bridge” (橋), representing a connection of love.
  10. Aizuki (愛月) – “Love” (愛) and “moon” (月), indicating a love that is serene and ever-present.
  11. Ainami (愛波) – “Love” (愛) and “wave” (波), symbolizing a love that moves and changes like the sea.
  12. Aikoshi (愛越) – “Love” (愛) and “crossing” (越), representing a love that transcends.
  13. Aisaka (愛坂) – “Love” (愛) and “slope” (坂), indicating a love that rises and grows.
  14. Aitsuki (愛月) – “Love” (愛) and “moon” (月), representing a mystical and constant love.
  15. Aitsuki (愛木) – “Love” (愛) and “tree” (木), symbolizing a love that is rooted and grows.
  16. Aihama (愛浜) – “Love” (愛) and “beach” (浜), indicating a love that is gentle and soothing like the shore.
  17. Aiseki (愛関) – “Love” (愛) and “barrier” (関), symbolizing a love that overcomes obstacles.
  18. Aikubo (愛窪) – “Love” (愛) and “hollow/valley” (窪), representing a deep and hidden love.
  19. Aizumi (愛住) – “Love” (愛) and “reside/live” (住), meaning “where love resides.”
  20. Aihara (愛原) – “Love” (愛) and “field/plain” (原), symbolizing a vast field of love.
  21. Aizumi (愛泉) – “Love” (愛) and “spring” (泉), indicating a love that springs forth.
  22. Aibara (愛原) – “Love” (愛) and “field” (原), representing a love that is wide and open.
  23. Aisato (愛里) – “Love” (愛) and “village” (里), symbolizing a community or place of love.
  24. Aizuka (愛塚) – “Love” (愛) and “mound/tomb” (塚), representing a place where love is remembered.
  25. Aizumi (愛角) – “Love” (愛) and “corner” (角), symbolizing love that reaches all corners.
  26. Aihama (愛浜) – “Love” (愛) and “shore” (浜), indicating a love that is enduring like the coastline.
  27. Aishima (愛嶋) – “Love” (愛) and “island” (嶋), symbolizing a place of isolated love.
  28. Aikuni (愛国) – “Love” (愛) and “country” (国), representing a patriotic love.
  29. Aizumi (愛隅) – “Love” (愛) and “corner” (隅), indicating a love that is hidden or reserved.
  30. Aihoshi (愛星) – “Love” (愛) and “star” (星), symbolizing a love that shines brightly.
  31. Aisaka (愛坂) – “Love” (愛) and “hill/slope” (坂), indicating a love that rises and endures.
  32. Aizumi (愛澄) – “Love” (愛) and “clear” (澄), representing a love that is pure and transparent.
  33. Aitaka (愛高) – “Love” (愛) and “high” (高), symbolizing a noble and lofty love.
  34. Aihashi (愛橋) – “Love” (愛) and “bridge” (橋), representing a love that connects.
  35. Aiyama (愛山) – “Love” (愛) and “mountain” (山), indicating a love that is solid and unwavering.
  36. Aihoshi (愛星) – “Love” (愛) and “star” (星), symbolizing a guiding and bright love.
  37. Aikuni (愛国) – “Love” (愛) and “nation” (国), representing a love for one’s country.
  38. Aihara (愛原) – “Love” (愛) and “plain” (原), symbolizing a love that is expansive and nurturing.
  39. Aizaki (愛崎) – “Love” (愛) and “cape” (崎), representing a love that is bold and exposed.
  40. Aizumi (愛済) – “Love” (愛) and “finish/settle” (済), indicating a love that completes or fulfills.
  41. Aihoshi (愛星) – “Love” (愛) and “star” (星), representing a love that is eternal and guiding.
  42. Aisaki (愛咲) – “Love” (愛) and “bloom” (咲), symbolizing a love that blossoms beautifully.
  43. Aikura (愛倉) – “Love” (愛) and “storehouse” (倉), representing a love that is preserved and cherished.
  44. Aihashi (愛橋) – “Love” (愛) and “bridge” (橋), indicating a love that bridges gaps.
  45. Aisumi (愛住) – “Love” (愛) and “reside” (住), meaning a place where love lives.
  46. Aizawa (愛澤) – “Love” (愛) and “swamp” (澤), symbolizing a love that nurtures and grows.
  47. Aiyama (愛山) – “Love” (愛) and “mountain” (山), indicating a love that is steadfast and enduring.
  48. Aikawa (愛川) – “Love” (愛) and “river” (川), symbolizing a love that flows and nurtures.
  49. Aisaki (愛崎) – “Love” (愛) and “promontory” (崎), representing a love that stands tall.
  50. Aihoshi (愛星) – “Love” (愛) and “star” (星), symbolizing a love that guides and inspires.

Unisex Japanese Names Meaning Love

  1. Aikao (愛香夫) – “Love” (愛) and “fragrant man” (香夫), symbolizing a love that is strong and fragrant.
  2. Aiyu (愛佑) – “Love” (愛) and “help/bless” (佑), representing a love that is protective and nurturing.
  3. Aisho (愛晶) – “Love” (愛) and “crystal” (晶), symbolizing a clear and pure love.
  4. Aisumi (愛澄) – “Love” (愛) and “clear/pure” (澄), indicating a transparent and pure love.
  5. Aihina (愛陽) – “Love” (愛) and “sun” (陽), symbolizing a love that brings warmth and light.
  6. Aiyoru (愛寄) – “Love” (愛) and “approach” (寄), indicating a love that draws closer.
  7. Aihaya (愛隼) – “Love” (愛) and “falcon” (隼), representing a swift and keen love.
  8. Aisho (愛翔) – “Love” (愛) and “fly/soar” (翔), symbolizing a love that soars to great heights.
  9. Aitou (愛藤) – “Love” (愛) and “wisteria” (藤), representing a love that is graceful and enduring.
  10. Aishi (愛紫) – “Love” (愛) and “purple” (紫), symbolizing a noble and dignified love.
  11. Aiyuuki (愛雪輝) – “Love” (愛), “snow” (雪), and “shine” (輝), indicating a love that shines in the cold.
  12. Aiharu (愛陽春) – “Love” (愛), “sun” (陽), and “spring” (春), symbolizing a love that brings warmth and new life.
  13. Aimiho (愛美帆) – “Love” (愛), “beauty” (美), and “sail” (帆), representing a beautiful journey of love.
  14. Aikaze (愛風) – “Love” (愛) and “wind” (風), symbolizing a love that is free and ever-present.
  15. Aiseki (愛雪希) – “Love” (愛), “snow” (雪), and “hope” (希), representing a love that brings hope in the coldest times.
  16. Aine (愛音恵) – “Love” (愛), “sound” (音), and “blessing” (恵), symbolizing a love that resonates and brings blessings.
  17. Aihoshi (愛星雲) – “Love” (愛), “star” (星), and “cloud” (雲), representing a love that is vast and dreamlike.
  18. Aikawa (愛川澄) – “Love” (愛), “river” (川), and “clear” (澄), indicating a love that flows pure and clear.
  19. Aisaka (愛坂凛) – “Love” (愛), “slope” (坂), and “dignity” (凛), symbolizing a love that is challenging but noble.
  20. Aishou (愛鐘) – “Love” (愛) and “bell” (鐘), representing a love that rings true and clear.

Famous Japanese Names That Mean Love

  • Aiko (愛子) – “Love” (愛) and “child” (子). Aiko is a popular name and is also the name of Princess Aiko, the daughter of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako of Japan.
  • Ai (愛) – Simply means “love.” This name is quite popular in Japan and often used in various forms, both as a given name and as part of other names.
  • Aimi (愛美) – “Love” (愛) and “beauty” (美). This name is quite popular and is used by several Japanese celebrities and public figures.
  • Aina (愛菜) – “Love” (愛) and “greens” or “vegetables” (菜). Aina is a common name that evokes a nurturing, loving connotation.
  • Airi (愛莉) – “Love” (愛) and “jasmine” (莉). This name is associated with sweetness and delicacy, often chosen for its pleasant and loving sound.
  • Aito (愛斗) – “Love” (愛) and “fight/struggle” (斗). This name reflects a strong and determined love. While not as common as female names starting with “Ai,” it is still recognized.
  • Aisuke (愛介) – “Love” (愛) and “help” (介). Aisuke is a strong, supportive name that has been used in literature and popular culture.
  • Ai (藍) – Though commonly meaning “indigo” or “blue,” the pronunciation “Ai” is the same as “love” (愛). This name can symbolize deep and profound emotions.
  • Kaname (要) – While not directly meaning “love,” this name means “pivot” or “vital point,” often associated with someone who is central and loved in a family or group.
  • Ren (蓮) – While not meaning love directly, “Ren” means “lotus” and is associated with purity and love in Buddhist symbolism. It’s a popular unisex name.

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